Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ckicken, Potatoes, and Beans

Tonight my sister and I made dinner. My sister (age 9) made baked chicken. I made fried diced new potatoes and wax beans. We bought chicken in strips from the grocery store, put it in a Pyrex pan lightly coated on the bottom with olive oil. We then diced some fresh herbs from the garden and put them on top and squeezed a lemon on top and put it in the oven for about 20 minutes. The diced potatoes are really easy to make they're just two cans of diced new potatoes in a pan coated in olive oil on medium heat. I put fresh herbs from the garden but you can put anything from just salt and pepper to rosemary, marjoram, lemon thyme or dill. I like to put a large rarity of herbs on mine. The wax beans are also very easy. You just buy a can of wax beans from the store and heat them up in the microwave and ENJOY!!!!

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